
+61 415 363 372


Opening Hours

By Appointment Only

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Our United Kingdom course dates and locations for 2024 are yet to be confirmed. Express your interest by email letting us know where you live as maybe with enough interest we can choose a venue near you.

There is also the possibility of us hosting the training at your home, health or massage studio, let us know if this is a possibility.

Learn to MASSAGE with Conscious Touch in the comfort of your home.

Did you know that the traditional Hawaiian Heartworks Lomi Lomi training can begin online?

Have you always wanted to learn to MASSAGE but thought it would take too long and be too hard?

Maybe you didn’t want to commit to a full training until you were sure if it’s really for you.

With our Introduction to Heartworks Lomi Lomi you can begin now online and if you enjoy it and want more you can express your interest to join our full, live, Heartworks Lomi Lomi Practitioner certified training in the UK, USA or Australia (we look forward to adding more countries to our list with enough interest expressed).

This online Introduction to Heartworks Lomi Lomi is the prerequisite to the full practitioner live training and is perfect for beginners, couples, friends, family, and experienced therapists who want to add to their repertoire.

Are you looking to begin a new career?

Are you ready to ditch your job, stand on your own two feet and become your own boss?

Are you looking for an additional way to earn from a positive source?

Have you always wished to work in a positive, healthy, vibrant and loving environment?

Are you looking to embark on a loving and powerful self development journey?

Would you love to learn a skill that helps others whilst also healing yourself?

Is your love language physical touch or acts of service?

Are you challenged by physical touch and want to overcome this?

Are you concerned about job/career security in the emerging chaos of the economical climate and realise that now is the time to up-skill and expand yourself and your offering?

If you’ve answered yes, to any of these questions…

Join the Conscious Touch Collective and begin your journey into deep and healing body work. With our online course – Introduction to Heartworks Lomi Lomi (a prerequisite to our full practitioner training) you will discover the natural healer within you.

Even if you choose not to progress to the full practitioner certified live training, with this online introduction, you will still learn a beautiful and powerful back body massage routine, along with the powerful Hawaiian healing philosophy and processes that you can share with the ones you love.

This online training is specifically designed for those who are ready to dive in or who just want to dip their toes in before committing to the fully certified practitioner training. No matter your current skill set, beginners and experienced health and well-being practitioners are welcome.

Is now the time to revolutionise your life, get back on the happy train and/or remember how to live with joy and love in your heart? One of the greatest gifts in life is to be of service to others.

Are you ready to get started? Simply register for the online course and once you’ve completed it, if you’d like to join us live in the UK, USA or Australia to complete the full practitioner certified training, let us know by email – if you are located in another country, please still get in touch as with enough interest we may be able to come to you!

Step 1 – Introduction to Heartworks Lomi Lomi Online Course – $250 AuD

(current exchange at time of post = £135 GBP – $230 USD – €155 Euro)

With this segment of the training you will learn all you need to begin your practice including Hawaiian healing philosophy and a beautiful flowing 60 to 90 minute back body routine. This is your foundation and prerequisite for Step 2.

Step 2 – Full Practitioner Certified Live Training

Hawaiian Heartworks Level 1 (Beginners) – 4 days Australia only

Hawaiian Heartworks Level 2 (Advanced) – 4 days Australia only

Heartworks Level 1 & 2 Combined 5 day intensive – International

The live practitioner training will take your online Introduction practice to the next level bringing in back and front body soft and deep tissue techniques, hot stone massage, deep belly and heart clearing, handling emotional release, along with clinic practice, healing processes and philosophy. With the full training you can choose to practice either in the private or public realm as a certified practitioner. You can setup your own home massage clinic or join a team at a spa or clinic space.

If you’d like to express interest in the full live training coming to your home country you can email us at

Or click below to register and begin the online journey of Heartworks Lomi Lomi: